3rd CIX Forum
The 3rd CIX Forum was held in Srce on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
The forum discussed the operation of the service in 2022, user satisfaction and plans to improve the service.
The 3rd CIX Forum was held in Srce on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
The forum discussed the operation of the service in 2022, user satisfaction and plans to improve the service.
3. Forum CIX-a održan je u Srcu u četvrtak 17. studenoga 2022.
Na forumu se raspravljalo o radu usluge u 2022. godini, zadovoljstvu korisnika te o planovima za unapređenje usluge.
A new addition to the CIX Rulebook ''CIX Technical description and Service'' has been published on the CIX website, which is valid from September 1, 2022.
Na web stranicama CIX-a objavljen je novi prilog Pravilnika CIX-a ''Tehnički opis usluge CIX'' koji vrijedi od 01. rujna 2022.
The total traffic over CIX has been monitored since its inception and yesterday, May 4, 2022, peak traffic exceeded 100 Gbit/s for the first time.
The increase in the exchange of total Internet traffic through the CIX is also a result of the continuous growth in the number of members.
Ukupni promet koji prolazi kroz CIX prati se od njegovog osnutka i jučer, 4. svibnja 2022. vršni promet prvi je put premašio 100 Gbit/s.
Povećanje razmjene ukupnog internetskog prometa kroz nacionalno središte za razmjenu internetskog prometa (CIX) rezultat je i kontinuiranog rasta broja članica.
New CIX member Terrakom d.o.o. is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on March 30th 2022.
30. ožujka 2022. na preklopničku infrastrukturu CIX-a spojena je nova članica - Terrakom d.o.o.
3. siječnja 2022. na preklopničku infrastrukturu CIX-a spojena je nova članica - HAKOM.
New CIX member HAKOM is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on January 3rd 2022.