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The new CIX infrastructure

Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) is Croatian centre for exchange Internet traffic founded and hosted in University Computing Centre (SRCE) in 2000, and during all these years, Srce experts have been designing, building and maintaining its network infrastructure since 2016, distributed across two CIX locations.

The CIX infrastructure was last renovated in 2018 to ensure adequate capacity for connecting CIX members, primarily at 10 Gbit/s, with a very limited possibility of connecting at 100 Gbit/s.

Nova infrastruktura CIX-a

Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) hrvatsko je središte za razmjenu internetskog prometa osnovano i udomljeno u Srcu 2000. godine, a tijekom svih ovih godina stručnjaci Srca projektiraju, grade i održavaju njegovu mrežnu infrastrukturu od 2016.

5th CIX Forum

On Wednesday, November 27, 2024, the 5th CIX forum was held in Srce. The CIX Forum was attended by representatives of five CIX members.

The forum discussed the operation of the service in 2024, user satisfaction and the renewal of the CIX infrastructure. A special focus in the discussion was on increasing security through the MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security) program for IXPs and further distribution of the CIX infrastructure.

Održan 5. Forum CIX-a

U srijedu 27. studenoga 2024. u Srcu je održan 5. forum CIX-a. Forumu CIX-a prisustvovali su predstavnici pet članica CIX-a.

Croatia finally gets is geographically redundant CIX as per signed agreement

In alignment with the strategic decision to diversify network infrastructure, a second CIX site was successfully established in 2016 at the Digital Realty ZAG1 data center in Zagreb. Building upon the existing infrastructure at SRCE, a formal agreement was signed on October 24th between SRCE and DC NORTH Ltd., designating Varaždin as the location for a third CIX site.

Potpisan ugovor za treću lokaciju CIX-a

Nakon odluke o distribuciji mrežne infrastrukture, tijekom 2016. godine uspostavljena je druga lokacija CIX-a, u Zagrebu, u podatkovnom centru Digital Realty ZAG1.

4th CIX Forum

On Thursday, November 23, 2023, the 4th CIX forum was held in Src. The CIX Forum was attended by representatives of seven CIX members.

The forum discussed the operation of the service in 2023, user satisfaction and plans to improve the service. A special focus in the discussion was on increasing the security in the exchange of routing information and the renewal of the CIX infrastructure.

Održan 4. Forum CIX-a

U četvrtak 23. studenoga 2023. u Srcu je održan 4. forum CIX-a. Forumu CIX-a prisustvovali su predstavnici sedam članica CIX-a.

Na forumu se raspravljalo o radu usluge u 2023. godini, zadovoljstvu korisnika te o planovima za unapređenje usluge. Poseban fokus u raspravi bio je na povećanju sigurnosti u razmjeni usmjerivačkih informacija te obnovi infrastrukture CIX-a.
