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Tenth anniversary CIX

Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) is a Croatian national center for the
exchange of Internet traffic settled in University Computing Centre (Srce).

CIX was established by the eighth September 2000. by the signing of the
Memorandum on the establishment of a national center for the exchange of
Internet traffic.

Today CIX has 19 members - Internet service provider in the Republic of
Croatia and the number of members is growing steadily.

Fifth CIX Council session

On Wednesday,  May 26 2010, the CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange) Council held its fifth session at Srce.  The University Computing Centre submitted to the Council a report on the work for the past one-year period describing the current membership state, recently joined members in the past period as well as a statistical report of realised IP traffic over CIX.

Peta sjednica Vijeća CIX-a

Vijeće CIX-a (Croatian Internet eXchange) u Srcu je u srijedu 26. svibnja 2010. održalo svoju petu sjednicu.

Sveučilišni računski centar Vijeću je podnio izvještaj o radu za proteklo jednogodišnje razdoblje s prikazom trenutnog stanja članstva te statističkim prikazom ostvarenog IP prometa preko CIX-a.


OIV - connected to the CIX 6U1G

Interconnection of new CIX member, Odasiljaci i veze to CIX Point of Presence was established on Wednesday, April 14 2010.

OIV - spojeni na CIX 6U1G

Dana 14. travnja o.g. realizirana je interkonekcija nove članice CIX-a, tvrtke Odašiljači i veze, na CIX čvorište.
