New member connected - Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo
New CIX member Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on 23th May 2017.
New CIX member Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on 23th May 2017.
23. svibnja 2017. na preklopničku infrastrukturu CIX-a spojena je nova članica - Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Due to the probelm with CWDM system between the CIX1 and CIX2 locations, the redundant optical link currently has a 10 Gbit/s bandwidth capacity.
The total bandwidth between the two locations at this moment is 30Gbit/s.
Uslijed problema u radu CWDM sustava između lokacija CIX1 i CIX2 redundantna optička veza trenutno ima kapacitet propusnosti od 10 Gbit/s.
Ukupna propusnost između dviju lokacija u ovom trenutku iznosi 30Gbit/s.
New CIX member Hurricane Electric LLC is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on 4th May 2017.
4. svibnja 2017. na preklopničku infrastrukturu CIX-a spojena je nova članica - Hurricane Electric LLC.
On Wednesday, April 12th 2017, the peak traffic over CIX crossed the line of 50 Gbit/s for the first time. The peak traffic of 40 Gbit/s was first breached in November 2016, which means that CIX traffic increased by 25% in last six months.
U srijedu 12. travnja 2017. godine vršni promet preko CIX-a prvi put je prešao granicu od 50 Gbit/s. Vršni promet od 40 Gbit/s je prvi put probijen u studenom 2016. godine što znači da je u 6 mjeseci narastao za 25%.
Redundant optical link between CIX1 and CIX2 locations is upgraded to 20 Gbps today.
CIX1 and CIX2 locations are connected with two optical links which are independent on 90% of the length. Total bandwidth between CIX1 and CIX2 location is 40 Gbit/s now.
Danas je na redundantnoj optičkoj vezi između lokacija CIX1 i CIX2 izgrađen CWDM sustav te je propusnost iste nadograđena s 10 Gbit/s na 20 Gbit/s.
Lokacije CIX1 i CIX2 povezane su s dvije optičke veze koje su na 90% duljine neovisne jedna o drugoj. Obje optičke veze sada imaju kapacitet propusnosti 20 Gbit/s te je ukupna propusnost između lokacija 40 Gbit/s.