New CIX member- Packet Clearing House (PCH)
Packet Clearing House (PCH) signed an agreement on membership in CIX and became the 35th member of CIX.
Packet Clearing House (PCH) signed an agreement on membership in CIX and became the 35th member of CIX.
Packet Clearing House (PCH) potpisao je ugovor o članstvu u CIX-u. PCH tako je postao 35. članica CIX-a.
New CIX member AKD d.o.o. is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on 6th October 2020.
6. listopada 2020. na preklopničku infrastrukturu CIX-a spojena je nova članica - AKD d.o.o.
New CIX member AKD d.o.o. signed an agreement on membership in CIX and became the 34th member of CIX.
AKD d.o.o. potpisao je ugovor o članstvu u CIX-u. AKD d.o.o. tako je postao 34. članica CIX-a.
Today, the Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) celebrates the 20th anniversary of its work, which began with the signing of the Memorandum on 8 September 2000 as a national center for the exchange of Internet traffic.
CIX is the University Computing Center service that has been enabling a more rational use of transmission capacities for 20 years, increasing the security of Internet traffic and increasing the overall quality of the Internet in Croatia. Thanks to its high reliability, CIX provides its members and their users an excellent user experience.
Danas Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) obilježava 20. obljetnicu rada koji je započeo potpisivanjem Memoranduma o uspostavi nacionalnog središta za razmjenu Internet prometa 8. rujna 2000. godine.
CIX je usluga Srca koja već 20 godina omogućava racionalniju uporabu prijenosnih kapaciteta, povećava sigurnost internetskog prometa i povećava ukupnu kvalitetu Interneta u Hrvatskoj. Zahvaljujući visokoj pouzdanosti, CIX svojim članicama i njihovim korisnicima omogućava izvrsno korisničko iskustvo.
New CIX member Databox d.o.o. is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on 24th July 2020.
24. srpnja 2020. na preklopničku infrastrukturu CIX-a spojena je nova članica - Databox d.o.o.