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Second CIX Council session

On Monday, April 23 2007, the CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange) Council held its second session at Srce. The session was attended by 13 CIX members representatives (DCM, Globalnet, CARNet, HRT, Iskon Internet, Optika kabel TV, OT - Optima telekom, Posluh, SDueH, VIPnet, VM mreže, Vodatel, Voljatel telekomunikacije). The University Computing Centre submitted to the Council a report on the work for the past one-year period describing the current membership state, recently joined members in the past period as well as a statistical report of realised IP traffic over CIX.

15th member to the Croatian Internet eXchange

(Zagreb, October 27, 2006) By the Agreement signed on October 26, 2006 between the University Computing Centre (Srce) and Voljatel telekomunikacije d.o.o., the Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) received its 15th member. Beside Voljatel telekomunikacije, other CIX members are: Croatian academic and research network - CARNet, Iskon Internet, GlobalNet, Posluh, VM mreže, Vodatel, VIPnet, OT - Optima Telekom, DCM, Softnet, Croatian Radiotelevision, Metronet, Optika kabel TV and Hrvatska elektroprivreda (Croatian Electric Power company).

Croatian internet eXchange dobio 15. člana

(Zagreb, 27. listopada 2006) Ugovorom koji su 26. listopada 2006. potpisali Sveučilišni računski centar (Srce) i Voljatel telekomunikacija d.o.o., Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) dobio je svoga 15 člana. Uz Voljatel telekomunikacije CIX članice su: Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža - CARNet, Iskon Internet, GlobalNet, Posluh, VM mreže, Vodatel, VIPnet, OT - Optima Telekom, DCM, Softnet, Hrvatska radiotelevizija, Metronet, Optika kabel TV i Hrvatska elektroprivreda.

Prva sjednica Vijeća

U ponedjeljak, 10. travnja 2006. godine održana je prva sjednica Vijeća CIX-a (Croatian Internet eXchange) - nacionalnog središta za razmjenu Internet prometa udomljenog u Srcu. CIX danas ima 12 članica - hrvatskih davatelja Internet usluga. Sjednici su prisustvovali predstavnici šest članica CIX-a, predstavnik Srca, te voditeljica CIX-a, Aida Salihović iz Srca. Na prvoj sjednici za predsjedavajućeg Vijeća CIX-a s jednogodišnjim mandatom izabran je Vlado Pribolšan, predstavnik CARNeta u Vijeću CIX-a.

First CIX Council session

On Monday, April 10 2006, the first CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange - the national centre for Internet traffic exchange hosted by Srce) Council session was held. CIX currently has 12 members - Croatian Internet Service Providers. The session was attended by the representatives of the six CIX members, a representative of Srce and the head of CIX, Aida Salihović from Srce. At the first session, Vlado Pribolšan, MSc, a representative of CARNet on the CIX Council, was appointed Chairman of the CIX Council, with a one-year mandate.

Osnivačka skupština Vijeća CIX-a

Priopćenje za javnost Srce u potpunosti preuzelo brigu o CIX-u (Zagreb, 8. lipnja 2005.) Na osnivačkom sastanku Vijeća CIX-a Srce je kao domaćin u potpunosti preuzelo brigu o CIX-u (Croatian Internet eXchange), nacionalnom središtu za međusobnu razmjenu Internet prometa. CIX je tako postao neprofitnom uslugom Sveučilišnog računskog centra (Srce), kojom se omogućava da davatelji Internet usluga u Hrvatskoj i privatne Internet mreže velikih sustava ostvaruju jednostavnu razmjenu Internet prometa, a bez uporabe i opterećivanja trećih mreža.

Founding Assembly of the CIX Council

Press release Founding Assembly of the CIX Council, 8 June, 2005 Srce fully in charge of CIX (Zagreb, 8 June 2005) At the founding session of the CIX Council, Srce as the host and the national centre for Internet traffic exchange assumed full charge of CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange). CIX has thus become a non-profit service of University Computing Centre (Srce), enabling Internet Service Providers in Croatia and private Internet networks of big systems to achieve simple exchange of Internet traffic, without using or overloading third networks.
