Press release Founding Assembly of the CIX Council, 8 June, 2005 Srce fully in charge of CIX (Zagreb, 8 June 2005) At the founding session of the CIX Council, Srce as the host and the national centre for Internet traffic exchange assumed full charge of CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange). CIX has thus become a non-profit service of University Computing Centre (Srce), enabling Internet Service Providers in Croatia and private Internet networks of big systems to achieve simple exchange of Internet traffic, without using or overloading third networks. By connecting to CIX, each network obtains the shortest path to exchange Internet traffic with other networks interconnected into CIX, which greatly reduces costs of data exchange among Croatian Internet users. Croatian Internet eXchange was established by the Memorandum signed on 8 September 2000, and it became a national centre for mutual Internet traffic exchange. Signatories to the Memorandum on the Founding of CIX included: AT&T Global Network Services Croatia d.o.o., Croatian Academic and Research Network CARNet, Croatian Radio and Television, Croatian Telecom, ISKON Internet and VIP-NET GSM. In the four years of its existence, the number of CIX members has been growing continually, and currently there are nine active members: CARNet, DCM, GlobalNet, HRT, ISKON Internet, Posluh, VIPnet, VM-networks i Vodatel. Srce, which has been the CIX neutral host since it was established, provides technical conditions for mutual interconnections and continuous operation of CIX 24 hours a day throughout the year. In the period from its founding day until 31 March 2005, the operation of CIX was financed by Croatian Academic and research Network CARNet, as its own service. Each Internet Service Provider - CIX member and Srce as the host appoint a representative for the CIX Council, as the place where all technical aspects and the questions of the CIX development will be discussed. At the CIX Council founding session, which was held yesterday, it was agreed that Srce would issue a new CIX Rulebook and sign new agreements with the existing members. CIX services are open to all Internet Service Providers which meet technical demands stipulated by the CIX Council. Such reorganisation of the CIX has enabled the continuity of the CIX operation as a neutral port for Internet traffic exchange, which CIX members consider to be of great importance for efficient and rational use, and the further growth of Internet in the Republic of Croatia. All additional information about CIX can be found on Additional information: Nataša Dobrenić, Public Relation SRCE, tel: 616 5840, fax: 616 55 59, e-mail:
press [at]