Interconnection of new CIX members, Amis Telecom and Croatia Airlines to CIX Point of Presence was established during December.
Interconnection of new CIX members, Amis Telecom and Croatia Airlines to CIX Point of Presence was established during December.
The amended CIX Rulebook and a new version of the Agreement for the members harmonised with the amended Rulebook became effective on October 31, 2007.
On Monday, April 23 2007, the CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange) Council held its second session at Srce. The session was attended by 13 CIX members representatives (DCM, Globalnet, CARNet, HRT, Iskon Internet, Optika kabel TV, OT - Optima telekom... Read more
(Zagreb, October 27, 2006) By the Agreement signed on October 26, 2006 between the University Computing Centre (Srce) and Voljatel telekomunikacije d.o.o., the Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) received its 15th member. Beside Voljatel... Read more
On Monday, April 10 2006, the first CIX (Croatian Internet eXchange - the national centre for Internet traffic exchange hosted by Srce) Council session was held. CIX currently has 12 members - Croatian Internet Service Providers. The session was... Read more