New CIX member Fenice Telekom Grupa d.o.o. is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on December 23th 2021.
New CIX member Fenice Telekom Grupa d.o.o. is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on December 23th 2021.
New CIX member 4TEL Telekomunikacije d.o.o. is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on December 7th 2021.
New CIX member Subspace Communication LLC is connected to CIX switching infrastructure on 29th November 2021.
In August, 14.52 PB of data was transferred through the Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX), which is the highest amount of traffic generated through CIX since its establishment in 2000.
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Subspace Communication LLC signed an agreement on membership in CIX and became the 37th member of CIX.