The new CIX infrastructure

Croatian Internet eXchange (CIX) is Croatian centre for exchange Internet traffic founded and hosted in University Computing Centre (SRCE) in 2000, and during all these years, Srce experts have been designing, building and maintaining its network infrastructure since 2016, distributed across two CIX locations.

The CIX infrastructure was last renovated in 2018 to ensure adequate capacity for connecting CIX members, primarily at 10 Gbit/s, with a very limited possibility of connecting at 100 Gbit/s.

After a period of 6 years, it was necessary to renew the infrastructure to keep up with technological progress, to simplify the addition of new locations to the CIX infrastructure, and to ensure sufficient capacity for users who want to expand their connection capacity from nx10 Gbit/s to 100 Gbit/s. Also, due to the increase in traffic between CIX nodes, the bandwidth between two nodes was upgraded from 8x10 Gbit/s to 2x100 Gbit/s.

At the beginning of the year, a project was launched, a technology and market analysis was conducted, and a technical specification for the new CIX infrastructure was created. After procurement and laboratory testing, CIX members were transferred to the new infrastructure, with service interruptions for each individual member being below 120 seconds.

After the infrastructure renovation, CIX is ready for distribution to a new, third, location in early 2025.

CIX is open to all Internet service providers in the Republic of Croatia, both for commercial and non-commercial, i.e. private networks. Next year, CIX will celebrate 25 years of CIX together with its users, and with these and all other infrastructure improvements, CIX strives to be an important factor in the Internet in the Republic of Croatia for at least that many more years.