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Deveta sjednica Vijeća CIX-a

Vijeće CIX-a (Croatian Internet eXchange) u Srcu je u četvrtak 22. svibnja 2014. održalo svoju devetu sjednicu. Sjednici su prisustvovali predstavnici 16 članica CIX-a (Amis Telekom,, BTnet, CARNet, Croatia Airlines, H1 Telekom, HEP, Iskon, Metronet telekomunikacije, Metronet d.o.o., Odašiljači i veze, OKTV, Optima Telekom, rPeer, Styria IT Solutions, VIPnet). Sveučilišni računski centar Vijeću je podnio izvještaj o radu za proteklo jednogodišnje razdoblje s prikazom trenutnog stanja članstva te statističkim prikazom ostvarenog IP prometa preko CIX-a.

Seamlessly syndicate process-centric corporate

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.

The secret to a successful online presence

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.

Announcing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.
